Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blog 1: Week 5 Digital Storytelling

By time the 5th week came around came around in my Introduction to Educational Technology class, I thought all the information was very helpful and worth learning. The week I will have to say was the most fun week since we learned about digital technology and different tools and applications we can use for digital storytelling. For our week’s assignment we had to use a digital storytelling applicant and create a story of own. I used the GoAnimate and was very pleased with the capabilities I had with this application, and was able to use character, have them in motion or express different facial expression, and do different special effects. With that I created and story where I husband was watching a game and his wife interrupts his games with questions.

Digital Storytelling applications are really some fun and amazing application to use. In regards to my area of study, Business/Finance, I can use this to some advantages but I think it goes better in the educational field but also for personal use as well. Most people use these types of applications to share messages and funny or interesting stories with family or friends, or to pass on some educational information in a very unique and more amusing way. Even though I think I will be able to use such applications in not so serious situations to loosing up and enjoy time with my co-workers.

Digital storytelling seems to be a major discussion in the educational field. I found this website where teachers can inform themselves on how to use digital storytelling to enhance learning since we are in the digital time. Students are much more in tuned to different social networking tools such as YouTube, where they watch videos for several hours for different reasons. Why not use digital technology to tell stories in order for students to learn. Even though digital story seems to be a major tool for educational purpose, you can still use it for other reason. Here is the link to this website a mentioned.

Blog 1: Week 4 Photoshop

In Week 4 of my Introduction to Educational Technology class, I really started enjoying the material that was being presented. Since I'm a Finance major, I and along with many other business had to make different application such as Microsoft Excel and Access, our best friend. I honestly thought these were some of the most amazing programs on the computer until I was introduced to Adobe Photoshop in my EME 2040 class. This week we went over a brief introduction of photo shop, we learn how to make simple things such as cloud, grass, using the eraser tool, and some other things on the tool bar. I always thought photoshop was hard to use but this week information made me realize how easy it was and just required some playing around just to get better at it. Now I think photoshop is just as amazing as the other application I previously learned.

People have been using photoshop in many situations, and I know for a fact it can be pertinent to my field of working. Usually I would ask someone to make me a poster, alter a picture or enhance an image and now it I will be able to do it myself. When I do presentations, I can use photo to enhance my image and market myself a lot better due to the capabilities of photoshop. I love the aspect of marketing and companies are not the only that can market themselves, individual can to as well and photoshop is a great tool to help them do that.

To endorse even more of how great photoshop is, I found a video that teaches everyday people how to navigate and work this application. The reason I chose this video was to show how easy it is to use photoshop and how easy it is to learn it due to social web tool like YouTube where you can find many tutorials and step by step videos showing you how to operate photoshop. Like I said before photoshop is really for anyone who wants to market themselves better, so take a look and enjoy this video.

Blog1: Week 3 Copyright

Week 3 in my Introduction to Educational Technology class had some really relevant information for adequate internet user, and for individual who use different social networking tools. This week some information that was present dealt with the issues of copyright. Copy is basically the rights that are given to owners of intellectual properties like music, book, movie, videos, photos and even ideas, to control their properties where other can’t use it without permission. I have previously learned about copyright but it think it’s sometimes important to go over this information to be reminded of it since it usually goes over our head sometimes. Thanks to Fair use though, we can use copyright material under certain situations, without permission from the owners. For example people are allowed to use 30 seconds of any audio without permission, and Universities and students are also place on the Fair use since they use other people's material for education purposes. An interesting fact to know though is that those laws of copyright sometimes do not apply to other people in other countries.

Copyright is very relevant to my nature of work. In the business/finance field people are steadily doing PowerPoint or video presentation which sometimes consist of audio, picture or someone else idea. As you can see it’s very important for people in my field to be aware of these things in order to not break the laws, and stay out of trouble. I will also like to open up my own business one day and plan on taking advantage of the copyright laws so someone else does use replicate my business name or logo.

To get a better understanding of copyright I found this interesting video which was created by Walt Disney Studios. It’s a very interesting video since it used many of its famous characters to explain the meaning of copy. Disney is also a company known for dealing with many copyright issues because of it character, movies, logos and etc so I could understand why they would create something like this to inform people. Take a look and enjoy the video.

Blog 1: Week 2 Mac OS

Thus far in my class EME 2040, also known as introduction to educational technology, I will have to say many of the information presented have been very interesting and worth knowing. In the Second week of class some material that presented was about using the Mac Operating system. I honestly can count the amount of times I have used a Mac on one hand, so I did not know how to use it very well and what it was capable of. Now from this week’s information I now know different features on the desktop such as the dock and the menu bar, how to navigate and such through folders, and how to perform shortcuts using the command key. I'll have to say I enjoy using the MAC OS because it's a lot more fun and cool, and you can multitask a lot better on the Mac than on Windows OS. This week’s information was very beneficial.

According to my Instructor Nate, the Mac OS will be very prevalent in the world's future working environment so it’s very important to know how to use one. I really do think that it's important for people in most job fields that use a computer, knows how to us a Mac OS. The reason for this because there had been a dramatic increase in Mac usage around the world. Everywhere I look now I constantly see Mac computers like I have never before. For my industry which is the Business/Finance field I do think it will be beneficial to use a Mac because to me you can manage, access and store file with ease, they a becoming much more portable with products like the iPad and iPhone, and Macs honestly just seems to be the future's computers.

To supports my case of why Mac OS might be better than Windows OS, I found this article name "PC vs. Mac: The Straight up Scoop"( In the article it talks about why Macs usually cost more than Windows and one of the reason was because how much better Mac's OS was than Window's. Even when Windows came out with its latest updates Windows 7, many computer users still gave to edge to Mac's OS X 10.6. While Windows are known to crash and attacked buy viruses, Mac users a very content and have minor complaints about its operating system. With Mac you get what you pay, which is quality.