Thursday, July 29, 2010

Blog 2: Week 9 Creating Professional Web Presence

The topics of discussion in week nine of EME 2040, was professional web pages. When I was in high school, making a web page was not as easy as it is today. Back then I thought it was sort of simple to do well now its even scarier how simple it is thanks to different tools things like Google Site. Using Google site to make a web page is as easy as making a facebook profile, so basically a 6 or 7 year can easily make one. With google site you had the option of creating various types of web pages ranging from class, sports music, and etc, but for class purposes we had to create one for professional matters. I thought this was an excellent idea since you are able to market yourself on a larger scale to companies. Even thought I knew about google site, i have not taken advantage of it yet but I will now.

Making a professional can be beneficial to no matter what field you are going. In today's job market everyone needs to differentiate themselves from other to able to stand out a get the job. I do think with making a professional web page it makes you stand but it also market you on a larger scale since a lot of companies are usually scanning the internet for employees and things about prospective employees. Other than just making professional web pages google sites can be definitely be used to sell products, advertise, and more, so you can take advantage of it in those areas as well.

I found a article that talks about making a creating a professional web presence on a budget. First give the options on doing it for free with something like google sites, then it goes into owning your own domain by paying $10-$40 a year for it. With owning your domain it give you a better feeling on Independence since your will be something like this "", instead of something like this "". With me thought I will take free over anything any day so I will still use google sites.

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